QCA Workshop at Waseda University, Tokyo

On May 22, I gave a QCA workshop at Waseda University in Tokyo, hosted by and co-organized with Airo Hino at the Institute of Political Economy of the Faculty of Political Science and Economics, and Sho Niikawa of Kobe University. During the workshop, which was conducted in hybrid format, I gave a talk on “Recent Advances and Trends in Qualitative Comparative Analysis” , including a discussion of combining process tracing and QCA (based on work co-authored with Hilde van Meegdenburg of Leiden University). This was followed by a broader discussion with the participants, and paper presentations on recent QCA applications by Masaki Unohara (Kobe University) and Sho Niikawa (Kobe University), and Ruifei Wang (Kobe University). Many thanks to all participants (in-presence and online) and to Airo Hino for hosting this workshop at Waseda University!